Andréa BIGOT
The series are part of our daily lives since many years. Indeed, with the creation about streaming services online, like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney +, Canal VOD…the vision of series generalized in all the world. The fact that we can see his series anywhere, unlimited, with Internet or not, with all series, online, mean that people watch longer and longer.
Beyond the
fact about series can influence our addiction, increase tiredness, the view,
she can influence too positively in saving lives, but also deteriorating
them, or even provoke the death in some people…
How the series were able to saves lives :
Most of
series that we watch are inspired on a true story, and the young people and
adults are based on them in daily life. Several series can save lives like
Grey’s Anatomy, Dr House, 13 Reasons Why, The Office or Urgence…
Anatomy :
A Woman has
successfully to diagnose a cancer breast cancer thanks to the medical series.
Indeed, while
breastfeeding, she noticed that she has a breast lump. But the first medical
advice said that it was a simple accumulation of milk. When an episode of the
series tackles the subjects about a woman, breastfeeding, having a breast lump
merging about accumulation of milk, but it was a cancer. The young woman asks a
second opinion, who was also a cancer. Thanks to this discovery, with
chemotherapy, mastectomy, and radiation, she could have saved about his
House :
A German
doctor saved his patient thanks to Gregory House.
The health
of his patient degraded for no reason, no explication. Until one day, who the German
doctor remember an episode of Dr House, where a patient suffering from cobalt
poisoning. Having a hip replacement few years ago with cobalt, the poisoning was
discovered, the patient was treated, he’s out of danger. The patient can say
thank you to Dr House…
13 Reasons
Why :
We all know
that 13 Reasons Why represents the harassment, it can be moral, physical, or
But this
series, was able to save many laves of young teenagers or adults. The “trash”
side of the series was able to open our eyes about what is the harassment. This
subject has often been taboo. The series allowed parents to open the dialogue with
their children. And the young people were able to discover the effects of
harassment and understand that I can have an irreversible impact on some young
people (suicide).
13 Reasons
Why was also able to avoid the worst for some teenagers ready to commit this
act. Indeed, seeing the consequences of suicide on their loved ones, it
important to denounce acts of harassment, so that it does not happen again to
The Office :
Un man can
realized a cardiac massage thanks to The Office.
A woman
driving her vehicle puts on theses hazard lights. She was unconscious, not
breathing. The man following this vehicle stopped to see what was going on. He
found the unconscious young woman and decided to give her a cardiac massage.
One of the episodes of The Office explained how to do this, thanks to
Stayin’Alive music. Two other women present during these events called the
emergency services, which intervened after the man. The cardiac massage having
worked, the woman regained consciousness, and the man saved his life.
How the series was able to influenced negatively
the lives :
The series
also influence in a negative way. Many children, teenagers, adults spend their
time watching series on their phone, computer, TV… But this can have
consequences on our daily lives and can cause incidents.
Squid Game :
Squid Game
is a series (prohibited for children under 16 years old) which appeared in
2021, and which made talk a lot about her.
young children had fun reproducing the violent scenes of the series by playing
“1, 2, 3 soleils”. Th looser was whipped with a rope. A young girl having lose,
she received a blow to the face. Children who do not understand the seriousness
of series do not realize how they can be dangerous.
awareness among parents and teachers was subsequently put in place.
Vampire Diaries/New Girl/ Sex and the City :
Series have a great influence on
clothing styles.
The main actresses of some series influence
the clothing styles of young teenagers. For example, Elena Gilbert (Vampire
Diaries) or even Hanna Marin (Pretty Little Liars), always well dressed, see
their looks copied.
This is not necessarily negative,
but it can be subject to discrimination.
Watching series can have an impact
on our daily lives. This is why it should not be abused (2 hours maximum per
day). Even if the viewing of series can save lives, it is important to respect
the viewing conditions to avoid any incident. It is also important to raise
young people’s awareness of sensitive subjects (violence’s, harassment),
because these are subjects that are not sufficiently considered today, and many
suffer from them.
Bibliographie :
Anatomy : 5 fois où la série médicale a sauvé la vie des fans (
House sauve une vie (pour de vrai) (
Brian Yorkey : "13 Reasons
Why a sauvé des vies" | Konbini
Il sauve la vie d’une femme… grâce à la série « The Office » (
Game : des enfants imitent les jeux violents de la série Netflix à l'école |
séries télévisées : une grosse influence? | Jeunes Journalistes (
TV : comment elles nous influencent au quotidien - Biba Magazine
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