The police in France ensure the safety of the population on a daily basis. They protect us and maintain public order. Today the police are harassed on a daily basis, both morally and sexually. Insults, violence, inappropriate words, inappropriate gestures... All these actions have devastating consequences for the police. Some police officers commit suicide because they are harassed on a daily basis. We are going to discover the harassment of some police officers. Why is there so much harassment of the police in French society?
This harassment takes the form first of all of repeated insults. In the neighbourhoods, this is very frequent. Young people often provoke and attack police officers. When police officers are on patrol in sensitive neighbourhoods, they are never welcome. Threats to police officers on the walls, verbal provocations towards police officers, mockery. The first is mostly expressed from a distance, when a patrol passes by or, more directly, when an arrest goes wrong. Some of these acts sometimes seem to have no consequences. But their repetition on a daily basis can seriously affect police officers and have significant repercussions on their physical and psychological health. These insults can go as far as death threats. In some cases, the harassment goes beyond mere verbal abuse.
The police will always be there, today as yesterday and even more so tomorrow. They will continue to hunt down criminals to the detriment of the inhabitants who ask for nothing more than to be able to live in peace and security. Action must therefore be taken to avoid this type of action as much as possible.
Faced with these risks, the DGPN and DGGN have adopted a policy of improving the quality of life at work and preventing psychosocial risks for several years
A mobilisation programme against suicide has been in place since May 2018. It aims to:
Better respond to the emergency (report, take charge and support) through training efforts (e-training module to raise awareness of the detection and management of people in suicidal crisis), through work with support associations, through psychological support measures...
Preventing situations of fragility (understanding, detecting situations and developing a shared culture) by implementing an external implementation of an external telephone helpline staffed by psychologists which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the benefit of police officers and their families to facilitate access to psychological care
Being a police officer is a hard job to do on a daily basis. The police must be protected.We must therefore support the police force and use these means of prevention to improve the quality of life and health of police officers in the years to come.
Davie.E. (2014, mars). L'exposition aux risques professionnels dans la fonction publique-Une première analyse par métier à partir de l'enquête SUMER 2009-2010.
Marwan Mohammed, Laurent Mucchielli.(2006, février). La police dans les quartiers populaires : un vrai problème!-Mouvements(no 44), pages 58 à 66.
Guide contre le harcèlement sexuel et agissements sexistes au travail:
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