vendredi 27 mai 2022

Merci Handy, but no thanks !

Today, they are found in all your handbags, glove boxes and empty pockets! hydroalcoholic gels have become our ally on a daily basis. As for me, before the pandemic, I used to use Merci Handy’s gel to shoot down all these nasty microbes collected in the Parisian metro (this article is in English but here we go with the French touch 😉).

To fight the spread of Covid-19, the French government has highlighted disinfectant products such as hydroalcoholic gels in health recommendations. At that time, I still see myself reading “hand cleaning gel” on the cute packaging of my Merci Handy product. I had some doubts about this precious efficiency against the Covid-19 so I did my own investigations.

Hydroalcoholic gel VS Hand cleaning gel: THE FIGHT

Hydroalcoholic gel are biocidal products that can be used to control the spread of covid-19 and other pathogens. As a biocide, they must eliminate microorganisms harmful to humans or animals. These microorganisms can be bacteria, viruses, fungi or yeasts. These products must therefore be at least bactericidal: EN 13727 and virucidal : EN 14476+A2. On these products you can see some mandatory statements such as “flammable” or the name and the concentration of the alcohol used to make it.

Hand cleaning gels, like my little glowy gel are cosmetics products. They are use to clean or change the smell of hands without any guarantee of their ability to help fight a virus.

Focus on the EN14476+A2

Well, it’s pretty clear: To fight a virus we have to use virucide products according to the EN14476 standard. But I didn’t tell you everything about it. This standard offers several levels of effectiveness (virucide activity , limited spectrum virucide activity and virucide activity against enveloped viruses). Coronaviruses belong to the enveloped viruses category, so the products used must have a “proven virucidal activity against enveloped viruses” to be eligible to this nomenclature. However, don’t panic almost all products marketed with this standard are effective against this type of virus.

Let’s talk about the recommendations

According to the HAS, and the medicinal product national agency, an hydroalcoholic product would be effective against the virus (virucide) if its alcohol content exceeds 60% v/v

In France, 4 gel formulations benefit from a derogation mechanism for placing on the market (order of 13 March 2020). However, only 2 of these formulations correspond to the real recommendations of the WHO: 1 with Ethanol 80% v/v and Isopropanol 75% v/v. The other formulations, authorized for sale contain 60% v/V of alcohol.


Packaging and fraud: 

According to the DGCCRF, the anti-fraud agency, the packaging of a gel for hands under its cosmetic status cannot contain certain mentions or graphic elements such as viruses, red crosses, shields and references to viruses, bacteria, disinfection and the health sector cannot be found on the packaging.  In November 2020, more than 180 samples of hydro-alcoholic solutions and gels were taken. 73% of the products tested to date have been declared either non-compliant (38%) or non-compliant and unsafe (35%).  In the area of fraud, the SYMEX case made a lot of noise during the first lockdown. The DGCCRF launched a recall campaign for the "hand sanitizer: hand disinfection" of SYMEX which contained only 27% alcohol. We are far from the minimum threshold of 60% mandatory for a "disinfectant for the hands".


Such as cakes, the fewer the better (or less is more?) !

Ideally, a gel has no more than four ingredients: alcohol, distilled water, thickening polymer, glycerol. Other components like perfum or glitters that are sometimes added may be toxic, irritating or inhibiting the virucidal action of the product. Let see 

Well, now you know that the products distribute by beauty brands, such as Merci Handy or Sephora, are unfortunately not considered as disinfectants. They comply with cosmetic and non-biocidal regulations and don't contain sufficient alcohol to guarantee their biocidal action under French regulations. 

lundi 16 mai 2022

What if you became a mental health first aider?

Editor: Caroline MORAND-NARDINI LQHSSTE student – January 18, 2022 

The COVID crisis has damaged our physical health, changed our lifestyles, and impacted our mental health.

The First Aid in Mental Health training will allow you to provide help to anyone who suffers from a mental disorder.

According to the 2004, World Health Organization (WHO) guide "Investing in Mental Health", one in four people is affected by a mental disorder during their lifetime.

Moreover, according to a study carried out in 27 countries of the European Union, Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and published in September 2011, by the European College of Neuropsych pharmacology, 27.1% of this target population suffers from mental disorders.

                                                                                                        What is mental Health ?

Image source: "Keep in mind – what is mental health" published on 05 March 2021 INSERM


The WHO defines mental health as :  " a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community".  

The Mental Health First Aid was born in Australia in 2001, created by a nurse in Health Education, Betty KITCHENER, who suffered from chronic depression, and her husband Anthony Jorm, a mental health researcher. Mrs. Claire Kelly, the first instructor, was also in charge of its international development (25 countries with 4 million mental health first aiders trained in the world in January 1st, 2022).

In France, the Minister of Health Agnès BUZYN has selected this training as one of the 25 priority measures for prevention. Since 2019,  the Association “Premiers Secours en Santé Mentale France” and its partners (INFIPPSMFUNAFAM)  offer paid training (worth about 250 euros) to all citizens and it is  free for students at some universities to help prevent the risk of suicide.

Source image: 

What can we learn during the training?

I was able to follow this training provided by the association “Santé Mentale France” at ESAT Bastille, on January 10 and 11, 2022.

We were a group of 14 people composed of professionals working in the mental health sector but also a cultural project manager, a butler, a human resources trainer, and other not-medical professionals.  The training can be followed by any citizen wishing to become a mental health first aider.

Each mental disorder is explained and thanks to role plays implying different scenarios, the trainees can learn, practice, and implement the action plan of the mental health first aid:  

- Approach the person, evaluate, and assist in case of crisis,

- Listen actively and without judgment, 

- Comfort and inform, 

- Encourage the person to go to specialized professional helpers 

- Inform about other available resources.

The situation on the theme of schizophrenia was very interesting in order to study the emotions and reactions that this disorder can generate. Relaxation exercises are performed after each sequence of the training (for example we tested the Mindfulness). These relaxation exercises are also a solution to offer to people who suffer from anxiety disorders.

Very explicit videos are also broadcast, which bring an additional pedagogy to the visual content. 

The "Manual of First Aid in Mental Health" is offered to the participants. After describing the steps of approaching, listening, and comforting, this manual also provides a list of professionals as well as useful resources (e.g. addresses of associations) on which to rely to encourage people suffering from a mental disorder either to consult and / or find further resources.

Thanks to this training I have got now a better understanding of mental disorders but also of aggressive behavior, which allows me to assess situations and take action.

I also understood that, in order for the person to get better, it is primordial to follow a better lifestyle (sleep, sport, food, social relations).  Moreover, close entourage can play an important role to help preventing future distress.

On January 11, I was also able to interview Mrs. Marie Condemine, who was my trainer during these two days at ESAT Bastille:  

- What is your profile and how long have you been a trainer?

I am a clinical psychologist and an instructor of mental health first aid. I am part of the pilot team for the project “Premiers Secours en Santé Mentale France” composed of members of the associations INFIPP, UNAFAM and Santé Mentale France. The Australian association MHFA traveled to France for a week, in 2018, to train all the members of the France pilot group.

- In your opinion, is there an imposing need for this new type of training?

The health crisis has shed light on mental health issues. Society, in general, is not sufficiently aware, which delays the assumption of medical care. 

As of 1 January 2022, there are 392 accredited trainers and 16,277 trained first aid workers. The goal is to reach 750,000 mental health first aiders by 2027.  

- What will this training bring to the people who will follow it?

This training makes it possible to better sensibilize the entourage, avoid stigmatization, promote solidarity and provide initial help to the people suffering from mental disorders.

- Isn't it difficult for participants to address this topic of mental health?

No, it’s not difficult because the group dynamics allows a positive atmosphere and some more sensitive issues are approached with humor in order to de-dramatize the situations.

- Are there any additional training courses?

Examples of additional training are:

- UNAFAM "How to help a loved one who does not want to be helped?".

- Sentinel Network: Sentinel Suicide Prevention


The COVID crisis continues to lead to an increase in mental disorders and mental health is a real public issue because it concerns everybody. So, what are you waiting for?  Join the training and be ready to help with the due kindness, listening, and best advice.

Bibliographic sources:

• World Health Organization (who) guide "Investing in Mental Health", 

• European study, published in September 2011 by the European College of Neuropsych pharmacology (ECNP): H.U Wittchen, F. Jacobi, J. Rehm et al, "The size and burden of mental disorders and other disorders of the brain in Europe 20103 European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2011, ch.21, p.655-679

• WHO Definition of Mental Health: and Dr Margaret Chan, Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020, World Health Organization

• "Mental Health First Aid Training"

• Press release of 21 March 2020 Jacques Marescaux President PSSM France

• "To keep in mind – what is mental health" published on 05 March 2021 INSERM

• Website:  

• Premiers  Secours en  Santer Mentale France:

• MentalHealth First Aid Australia and USA Homepage | Mental Health First Aid (

• Association Soins aux professionnels de la Santé : https://ww

• Government website for students:

• Psycom website and resource selections: Preserving your mental health in times of Covid: our selection of resources – Psycom – Mental Health Info

• Mental Health Federation France:

• National Union of Families and Friends of Sick and/or Mentally Handicapped Persons UNAFAM:

 National Institute for the Training of Nurses and Psychiatric Professionals

dimanche 15 mai 2022

NOISE PLUGS: All you need to know and how to choose them!


Le 18 Janvier 2022

NOISE PLUGS: All you need to know and how to choose them!

   Vents et Territoires: Archives : 35dBA au lieu des 30dBA       

Let's talk about a subject that concerns everyone and that should not be underestimated. Noise is a source of pollution for our health. Although deafness is not necessarily work-related, there are multifactorial contributions to the damage. According to a 2014 DREES survey, more than 7 million French people are affected by a disability, that is 11.2% and around 11.5% of people admit having difficulties hearing a conversation with several people. In terms of Occupational Accident/Occupational Disease claims on occupational risks, the AMELI report indicates that the majority of the sectors audited are affected by occupational deafness.

This is why Preventing deafness means protecting yourself with appropriate protection. Find the key points to know everything and how to choose noise protection plugs. Before any choice, it is necessary to understand all the parameters relating to noise in order to better adapt the protection.

Hence the need to make a few reminders on the importance of noise levels, effects on the human body, risks, noise regulations, and the importance 
of applying the nine prevention principles before starting a preventive approach to using hearing protection equipment!
 Scale of noise levels in dB(A) with frequencies that are harmful to hearing 

Note that the longer the exposure to noise levels exceeding 85 decibels, the greater the damage. The risk of deafness is high especially if the person does not wear hearing 
The effects of noise on the human body are not only auditory but can cause malfunctions on the human body




The effects on hearing are irreversible. On the other hand, the others malfunctions stop as soon as the noise is no longer present. Find an explanation of the effects of noise on humans beings on this video.
Regulatory requirements in terms of exposure values ​​and preventive measures at work



Daily exposure

(Lex, 8 h)

Peak level


Obligations of the employer


whatever the level


- Risk assessment
- Elimination or minimization of risks related to  
  minimum exposure to noise
Lower exposure value 
triggering action (VAI)


80 dB(A)

135 dB(C)

- Provision of individual hearing protectors 
  (earplugs, noise canceling headphones, etc.)
- Preventive audiometric examination at the 
  request of the worker or the doctor
- Information and training of workers
Upper exposure value 
triggering action (VAS)


85 dB(A)

137 dB(C)

- Program of technical or work organization 
  measures aimed at reducing exposure to noise
- Appropriate signage, limiting access to noisy 
- Effective wearing of individual hearing 
- Reinforced medical surveillance of exposed 
Exposure Limit Value (VLE)
taking into account the attenuation of
 noise provided by the hearing protector 
worn by the worker

87 dB(A)

140 dB(C)

- Immediate adoption of measures to reduce the 
  level of noise exposure to values ​​below the 
  limit values
- Identification of the causes of excessive 
  exposure and adaptation of protective 


At work, at home, in the street... Noise is present in our daily lives in any activity, whether  professional (industry, metallurgy, agri-food, etc.) or personal (DIY, gardening, concerts, etc.). Each activity requires questioning the noise emitted by tools and machines. Who would have thought that a screwdriver/unscrewer could emit 85 decibels and a hammer drill 95 decibels! The exposure, the type, the power of the noise level of the devices that are used without forgetting the duration of the work are the first elements to take into account. Each device has a technical sheet indicating its noise levels and nuisances.
This is why the protection must meet your expectations and your needs. Many parameters must be taken into account when choosing plugs in order to limit exposure to noise.
The choice is initially based on acoustic performance criteria (CE mark, guaranteed and compliant with regulations) taking into account the recommended attenuation in relation tothe level of sound exposure. Then, the subjective criteria linked to the person are essential so that they are worn and adapted to the morphology of the person (compatibility, work environment, earplug materials, hygiene, hearing disorders).
In a second step, the choice concerns the level of sound protection desired in relation to the nature, the exposure, the intensity of the noise, the activity and the place in which the person works.
And finally, there are different types of hearing protection models depending on the frequency of use, the usefulness and the comfort they can provide:




Disposable caps to shape



Reusable preformed caps (with or without cord)




Poles with caps or preformed plugs




Noise canceling headphones



Shells mounted on safety helmet



Individual molded caps



Once the protection has been defined, each model has its own instructions for wearing them and hygiene recommendations. If it comes to corks to be formed, it is essential to know “How to wear them well! ".
Thanks to this article, you have all the information to protect yourself and preserve your hearing capital by wearing hearing protection adapted to your activity.
Prevention, whether individual or collective, would it not be the best weapon to prevent deafness!
Bibliographic sources

Internet links :

-       Cotral, “8 key points for choosing your hearing protectors”, White Paper. Address

URL (site consulted the 29 december 2021)

   - Department of research, studies, evaluation and statistics – DREES, Laurence 
          HAEUSLER, Thibaud DE LAVAL, Charlotte MILLOT, “Quantitative study on hearing   
          impairment based on the “Handicap-Santé” survey”, Working document
          Research Studies Series, N°131, August 2014, p11-12. Address URL 

(Site consulted the 20 december 2021)

-       National health insurance fund – Occupation Risk Department  –« Claims statistics 2018 all CTN et par CTN », Study 2020-037-CTN, february 2020. Address URL (site consulted the 22 december 2021)

-       Institute for Research and Innovation on occupational Health and Safety (IRIS-ST), "Scale of noise levels in dB(A) with frequencies that are harmful to hearing", Case/Risks/Noise/Noisy Environment,  Address URL

-       Aisne management center – NEERIA, Meeting of prevention  assistants/Advisers « Atmosphere factors (noise, vibration, light, ventilation) », 18 september 2018, p13, Others effects of noise. Adresse URL (site consulted the 22 december 2021)

-       National Institute for Reseach and Security - INRS, « Health effects », Health and Security at work, Case noise, 2020. Address URL (site consuled the 27 december 2021

-       National Institute for Reseach and Security - INRS, « Understand everything about noise », Address URL (video viewed on  24 January 2022)

-       South Alsace Occupational  Health Service, «What the regulations tell us ». Address URL (site consulted the 27 december 2021)

-       National Institute for Reseach and Security - INRS, « Prevention approach», Health and Security at work, Case Noise, 2021. Address URL (site consulted the 27 december 2021)

-       Prevention BTP, « Prevention against noise at work : Individual hearing protection », Prevention Approach, 28 september 2020. Address URL (site consuled the 29 december 2021)

-       National Institute for Reseach and Security - INRS, « Comment choisir son protecteur individuel contre le bruit (picb) ? », Santé et Sécurité au Travail, Form HST, N°233, June 2013. Address URL

-       National Institute for Reseach and Security - INRS, « How to correctly insert your form caps », Health and Security at work,  Picture, July 2013. Address URL (site consulted the 29 december 2021)

-       Captures of images taken on different sites on noise. Address URL Smiley who covers the ears : ;

Noise  risk prevention poster – INRS : ;

Smiley whith helmets : ;

Noise hazard warning side : ;

Tricolore noise scale : ;

Ear sound level :